Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Java One

I went to two of the java one session on thursday 8th May 2008 afternoon. One was TS-6457 Choosing Your Java™ Technology-Based Web Framework: A Comparison and other was TS-5186 Design Patterns Reconsidered. I liked both of these session, specially the former one. I didn't know that there are 101 java frameworks out in the market, Richard Pack picked 5 out of them which appeals to him, they were GWT, Widget, Struts2, Tapestry and Groovy/grails. One can find the presentation here. The author also recommend to see the comparison of java web frameworks here .
I have personally liked struts so far, but after listening to Rick, Widget looks really cool.

And then the presentation by Alex Miller on Design Patters Reconsidered. The way he have explained the flaws of the existing design pattern and how to overcome was really impressive. You can find the presentation on his blog which is also a great source of resource for any java developer.

1 comment:

Alex Miller said...

Hi, thanks for the kind words about my Design Patterns talk. You can find the slides themselves (including the Proxy section I skipped due to time) and many links on this page.